Monday, October 24, 2011


I'm really proud of all my friends that played at Eastgate tonight. It sounded really good.

Tonight was a good night.

I would go on about how awesome it was, but I am crazy sleepy and I need to be up in 5 hours.

Thanks for making this such a great night.
Sweet dreams. <3

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Party in the kitchen, yo.

It's been a good day.

I had a really good time dancing at the Buddy Walk this morning.  There were a ton of technical difficulties and Kayla (one of the girls in our company) got strep and couldn't make it. But we improvised and made it work.
It was a lot of fun.
[But pray Kayla feels better.]

Afterwards..I went home, got a shower, and studied all afternoon.  And I feel quite accomplished.

Rachel Livingston and Emily Slaughter are coming over in a bit to hang, help me babysit, study, and maybe watch a movie once we get the kids to sleep.

Kaeli, Isaac and I are all making dinner for everyone right now.  We've kind of turned cooking into a party.   I asked them to list their favorite artists so that I could make a playlist to listen to while we cook.

This is what they came up with:
1. Manchester Orchestra
3. Noah and the Whale
4. Jonsi
5. Passion Pit
6. Modest Mouse

Whenever my parents are gone, I have a tendency to listen to really loud music and dance around like a lunatic. So now we're blaring this beautiful compilation of music from the kitchen, dancing like fools, and making food.

I'm not sure if you're supposed to have this much fun while making dinner, but it's totally going down at my house right now.


Tomorrow, I dance on grass.  And as difficult as that can be, I dance under the sun.

For that, I am happy.

Tomorrow, I study hard.  Today I studied, but I spent a good portion of my day researching/filling out scholarships and figuring out what classes are still required for graduation.

I accomplished a lot, but I feel like I've accomplished nothing.  Even though I haven't, I feel like I've been really lazy.  That is a feeling I really hate.  It's that feeling where you've been cooped up inside all day and need to get out and run around.  But mentally.  I need to mentally run around.

So tomorrow - after I dance in the grass under the sun - I work.

Extra hard.

Tomorrow, I run a mental marathon.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


They just keep coming. I thought this upcoming Monday would be my last test for a couple weeks, but apparently not. Wednesday: math test. Following Tuesday: another government test. But that's okay. I like studying.  Yeah, I said it.  I like school. And homework.  And studying.

I like to learn.

What I don't like is when there's so much of it that it's overwhelming. Sometimes, there really is not enough time in the day. But I set aside a good portion of my week to studying, so I'm usually able to keep it from getting to the point where I feel like I'm going to drown under all the various things I need to do. It's just a process of learning the best way to manage time.  Trail and error.  And as much as I end up staying up till 12 and waking up at 4 to finish whatever didn't get done in the time I've set aside, NOT sleeping is really not a good method of time management. Unfortunately, it is sometimes necessary.  But I'm working on not making that my habit.  Otherwise, I'm going to permanently look like a halloween costume.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Took my government midterm this evening.  So glad I don't have to worry about that anymore.  Because I didn't do so well on the last test, I was really nervous about this one.  So, in spite of my professor's ambiguous study guides, I studied my butt off.

However, as she's handing out the test and I look down at the first page, I realize how unprepared I am. So I just do my best and answer as much as I can recall and as logically as I can for everything I don't remember.  I finish thinking "man, I bombed that. Thank God for extra credit."

In this class, my professor always goes over the test right after everyone has taken it.  That way we know immediately how we did.  I won't get the actual grade until later this week, but it turns out I did really well.  I'm really happy.  Thank you for praying.  You're the best.

Two down, two to go.

I've got a Western Civ test tomorrow morning and a Spanish test on Monday.  I'm not really all that nervous for either, though.  But I would definitely appreciate prayer anyway.

Time to go do some laundry and go to sleep.
I hope your day has been splendiferous.
Sweet dreams!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Feeling better. Thanks for the prayer. <3
I just have a bit of sniffles now. And I sound like a toad.

Keep praying for my midterms. I stress out way to much for tests. I just want to do well and no matter how many hours I study, I never feel prepared enough.  I guess we'll just have to see...

Thursday, October 13, 2011


You know I'm not one to complain about pain much...but if you think about it, be praying I feel better. Because I feel like poop.

I feel lame for whining about it, but midterms are next week and whatever's up with me is really not helping my studying.  Actually, mainly just pray for that. That's what matters.  I don't really care that I'm sick, it's just getting in the way of preparing for midterms and I'm starting to feel a little stressed.

I thought I just had a bit of a cold, but I woke up this morning feeling worse.  Stuff is in my chest, I'm a little nauseous, and I feel like I'm going to pass out every time I stand up.  Luckily, since I'm studying..I'm not doing a lot of standing up.  But still.

I'm bummed that I have to miss dance tonight because of it..but I'm sort of thankful, too.

Now I have some more time to study.

Just be praying.  You're the best. <3

Monday, October 10, 2011

Duet like a boss.

Laura and I (with the ingenious instruction of the fantastic Celeste, of course) started choreographing our duet after our ballet class tonight.  I'm really excited to see how it'll turn out; so excited that I'm kind of bummed we can only take it to competition.  I'd love to have it in our recital as well, but they don't typically do solos/duets/trios/etc.  The only pieces we take to competition that are also in the recital are large group numbers.


Oh well, I'm still pumped for it.  This is the song we're dancing to.
[Minus the creepy talking kid part.]

I love this band. I love this song. And I love to dance.
I'm really stoked for this piece.

Sleepy girl.

Just got home from class.  First thing I did was put sweats on.  Now I need tea.  But before I curl up and bust out the book, I should probably finish homework. I like to knock out the essential stuff before I chill. Really though, I just want to sleep.  I dunno if it's the weather, my cold, a lack of sleep or a combination of all three..but I was practically falling asleep in Spanish class this afternoon.  Not fun.  I got my grade back for that one, too: 99! (:

Sidenote: While I was at Becca's eating leftover meatballs and cake from April's wedding, she decided to give me one of her canvases so that I can start painting again.  It has a painting on it already but she doesn't like it.  So I'm going to sand it down, put a white base coat on it, and paint something.  I think the under layer of paint will give it a cool texture.  Hopefully I can start on it soon.  But I'll probably have to wait till Christmastime so that I have time.  I have too many projects I'm already working on.  I'm just so excited to paintttt.

So hungry.

It's cold and rainy outside.  I really like this kind of weather. It makes me want to curl up in some sweats with a book and some tea.

Hopefully I'll get to when I get home from school.  I'm really looking forward to it.

Oh! I just got my grade back from my math test. Super happy. I got a 94. It almost makes my 88 in my gov't test okay.  Not really though.  I don't take B's well at all.  I almost didn't even want to share that grade..but that's not very honest.  And in keeping you updated, I have to be honest.  Even with the lame stuff.  Just don't think I'm dumb.  I studied really hard.  To be honest, I'm a bit frustrated with that test.  There was a typo on the test that I accidentally overlooked which would have given me an A.  My teacher apparently also likes trick questions.  I overlooked that as well. 


I really shouldn't be stressing about it, since I still have an A in the class altogether...but still.  It's just one of those things that really irks me.  I saw my grade and wanted to to punch something.  I guess it just makes me feel like I could have tried harder, even when I know I tried my hardest.  It's dumb, I know.  But I'm weird.  I'll do better next time.  I don't plan on getting anything lower.  And since she drops the lowest grade, I'll be set.

Anyway, Emily Slaughter and Rebecca Woodrum just walked into the library and saved my life.  I had planned on intoducing a girl from my Spanish class to Thai food so I obviously didn't pack lunch, but then I realized I forgot my wallet.  PANIC. So up until now, I thought I was going to starve.  I know, slightly dramatic..but I was really super hungry..since I didn't have a super big breakfast.  But Becca's getting me lunch.


Saturday, October 8, 2011


Got a little distracted at the end of the week, so I grabbed some flashcards off my desk and started doodling.  I ended up with these and I'm thinking about putting them on a larger canvas. The one on the left, at least.  I think it'd make a pretty cool painting.  I could add it to my new room. I'm not sure I've mentioned that yet, though.

So, I've been taking an interior design course (long story as to why I ended up taking it, but it's ended up being pretty enjoyable) and my final project is to design a room.  Since I'll be graduating in the spring and will be staying here for college, I'll be needing a place to stay.  I may end up renting a place with some friends in the future, but until I'm financially stable, I'll have to stay at home.  So I plan on moving out into my garage.  We've been working a ton on it over the summer, clearing stuff out and painting and whatnot.  But now it's time to turn it into my own place.  I'm hopeful to have it done and be living in it by December.  But we'll see. (:

PS, today was a great day.  Thanks for that.  Alligator food.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Do not fear.

Are you not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
-Matthew 29-31
[To God and to me.]