Saturday, October 22, 2011

Party in the kitchen, yo.

It's been a good day.

I had a really good time dancing at the Buddy Walk this morning.  There were a ton of technical difficulties and Kayla (one of the girls in our company) got strep and couldn't make it. But we improvised and made it work.
It was a lot of fun.
[But pray Kayla feels better.]

Afterwards..I went home, got a shower, and studied all afternoon.  And I feel quite accomplished.

Rachel Livingston and Emily Slaughter are coming over in a bit to hang, help me babysit, study, and maybe watch a movie once we get the kids to sleep.

Kaeli, Isaac and I are all making dinner for everyone right now.  We've kind of turned cooking into a party.   I asked them to list their favorite artists so that I could make a playlist to listen to while we cook.

This is what they came up with:
1. Manchester Orchestra
3. Noah and the Whale
4. Jonsi
5. Passion Pit
6. Modest Mouse

Whenever my parents are gone, I have a tendency to listen to really loud music and dance around like a lunatic. So now we're blaring this beautiful compilation of music from the kitchen, dancing like fools, and making food.

I'm not sure if you're supposed to have this much fun while making dinner, but it's totally going down at my house right now.

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