Took my government midterm this evening. So glad I don't have to worry about that anymore. Because I didn't do so well on the last test, I was really nervous about this one. So, in spite of my professor's ambiguous study guides, I studied my butt off.
However, as she's handing out the test and I look down at the first page, I realize how unprepared I am. So I just do my best and answer as much as I can recall and as logically as I can for everything I don't remember. I finish thinking "man, I bombed that. Thank God for extra credit."
In this class, my professor always goes over the test right after everyone has taken it. That way we know immediately how we did. I won't get the actual grade until later this week, but it turns out I did really well. I'm really happy. Thank you for praying. You're the best.
Two down, two to go.
I've got a Western Civ test tomorrow morning and a Spanish test on Monday. I'm not really all that nervous for either, though. But I would definitely appreciate prayer anyway.
Time to go do some laundry and go to sleep.
I hope your day has been splendiferous.
Sweet dreams!