Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 3.

One of the pitfalls of childhood is that one doesn't have to understand something to feel it.  By the time the mind is able to comprehend what has happened, the wounds of the heart are already too deep. 
-Carlos Ruiz Zafon, Shadow of the Wind.

Sorry about the lack of photos for the past month.  Things have been a bit crazy.  This week in particular.  I'm sorry if none of this makes sense, but I could use a lot of prayer.  I'm struggling with a lot of doubt, guilt, bitterness, and so on.  

I'm struggling with forgiveness.  It's one thing to forgive someone, despite their lack of remorse, for something they've done to you.  It is another thing completely to forgive them for hurting those you love.

I'm struggling with weakness.  I haven't been strong but I know I need to be.  A ton has been thrown at me recently - some of it, I'll admit, I brought on myself - and as much as I wish I could avoid it, I have no options but to grit my teeth and face it.  I've known for a long time I'd have to deal with these things, but none of it is panning out the way I envisioned it.  I guess I'm just feeling overwhelmed.  I have a tendency just to keep this stuff to myself and deal with it on my own, but I've learned how unhealthy that can be.  So I'm asking you to pray for me if you think about it.
I could really use it.

1 comment:

  1. So I search Twitter for "St. Augustine" hoping to get a fix of some of his brilliance before I head to bed.

    I then spend the next 5 minutes clicking through profiles of random Twitter personalities.

    It's late and I am following a series of seemingly random links.

    Bada bing bada boom! I find a blogspot link.

    I then read the profile description.

    I am then captured by the phrase "Daily and desperately in need of His grace." This couldn't be more true.

    Keep writing and taking pictures!
