Thursday, May 5, 2011

Just a little braggin'.

A kid tried picking a fight with my eight-year-old brother today.  I'm really proud of the way he handled it.  I'm also really proud of the way he used what he's been learning in karate for the past two years for what it's really meant for.

This little punk found out Isaac took karate and figured he needed to see it to believe it.  After plotting with the rest of his punk buddies, he came up to Isaac and began calling him names and was just being a douche about how Isaac couldn't take him and whatever.

Instead of getting indignant, Isaac just ignored the kid's taunting.  Clearly, this wasn't the reaction the kid hoped for, so he took a swing at Isaac.  Without even missing a beat, my little brother blocked the swing with one hand, grabbed the kid's neck with the other, and pushed him to the ground.  Then, he walked away.  He hadn't hurt the kid, but he did enough to let the kid know not to mess with him.  Pissed off, the kid followed Isaac and punched him in the back.  Isaac continued walking.

Do you know how much it hurts to be punched in the back?!  It hurts a lot. Boy's got some self-control.

Maybe I'm just letting my big-sister instincts kick in, but I'm really proud of him.  In these situations, it seems like kids usually either get mad and react on that anger, or turn into little pussies and cry about it.  Isaac did neither.  He used what he's learned to stand up for himself, but he didn't take advantage of his ability to beat the piss out of the kid, because I can assure you...he could have if he wanted to.

I dunno, I just thought it was kinda cool.  With that being the first time (that I'm aware of) that something like this has happened, I feel like he handled it really well.  Plus, he's not being all haughty about it either.  Which is also cool.  Though, someone's gotta brag about it.  Figured I would (:

1 comment:

  1. Tell him I love him & that he is my favorite boy in your family.
