Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dead Shoes.

Wednesday 09.29.10

Here is a lovely example of what your shoes should look like while you dance, and what your shoes will look like when you need a new pair. Laura has long passed the point of needing a new pair. (Her legs are the white ones in case you were wondering. You know, with the shoes that have no support and could snap her ankle at any moment.) She got them back in August when she and I went out of town to dance with Alabama Dance Theatre. Aaand they're already dead. This girl spends way too much time dancing. I'm not sure if she ever does anything else, actually. It's a little scary. But I love her to death. Therefore, I beg you, Laura: get a new pair. You're going to kill yourself.

For all you who don't have a clue why I'm incessantly rambling on like an idiot about a pair of shoes, let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up: when you see a girl walking down the street wearing 6 inch stiletto's, your initial thought is, "just watch, she's going to snap her ankle any second.." Now imagine her walking down the street in those stiletto's.. but without the heel. Yes, they'd support her arch, which would stabilize her ankle, but she'd still need an immense amount of strength in her ankles to keep from breaking them. What if the arch of the stiletto lost its stability? Well, then you're really screwed. Just like my dear friend, Laura.

If I'm still making no sense, then forgive me for this rant. I'm done.

PS, if none of you caught my Princess Bride reference, you clearly haven't watched it enough. Drop whatever activity you had planned tonight, order a pizza and watch that movie.


1 comment:

  1. Hehe I caught the Princess Bride reference right away ;-)
