Friday, September 30, 2011


After class this morning, I met up with some girls from my Spanish class to study for our test on Monday. We have to give a presentation.  I was there for about five hours studying.  I'm burnt out on Spanish for the day.  The girls are cool though.

Once I got home, I turned right around and headed to Tommy Oliver to see the Mosley vs. Bay game since my brother is in the Bay High Band.  It was a pretty pitiful game.  Bay may have a good band, but their football team needs to learn how to play football.  It was like, 35-0.  I don't remember Mosley's exact score.  I just remember that Bay sucks and I was tired.  And that my little brother and his drum line are legit.


I'm practically falling asleep as I type.  I need to be up at 6:30/7.  I've got SATs at 8:00.  Pray for me, I'm not good with standardized testing.  This is my second time to take it.  With someone like me, the more times I take it, the better my score will get.  Because I definitely can't get a score I'm happy with on the first try.  (Grumbles.)  Don't think I'm stupid, I just suck at standardized tests.  So just pray I do well.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011


So, my little sister learned about homonyms today.  Tonight, she said, "there are two types of posts: One is like 'fence post'.  The other is like 'you're post to go to bed'."



I got an A!  So happy.  My professor also told me today I should really consider joining the Honor Society on campus.  I'll think about it.  But I'll have to do a bit of research on it before I decide if it's a beneficial use of my time.  They are, however, participating in Humans vs. Zombies pretty soon.  I like zombies.

Anyway, I'm starving.  Time to head over to the bay to eat my sammich and study some more.  My test is at 12.
Pray it goes well!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The skinny.

It's study time, so I'll make this quick. I said I'd update more, but that really hasn't been happening.  Not really sure how to keep people updated.  Some people have these eloquent blogs that are all organized and frequently posted on. I am not one of those people.
One, I'm not eloquent.
Two, I'm not organized.
And three, I don't even have time to freakin' sleep let alone think of things to write on my blog.

Luckily, I'm not one of those people who do "blog series" or whatever.  Maybe one day when I have time to think and write.  Because I like doing both of those.  But at this moment in "eat, school, work, dance, homework, sometimes sleep" schedule doesn't allow it.  But it's okay.  I like staying busy.  I just gotta stay focused or I'll get overwhelmed.

Anyway, here's the skinny.

1. When you last tuned in, she was headed on her voyage to the distant lands of St. Augustine. (Well, technically I was advertising my dance company's fundraiser, but you know what I mean.  Thanks for helping us out, by the way.  I appreciate you.)  Anyway, St. Augustine was fun.   I really really love that place.  Beautifullll. I made some friends, learned some history, hung out with my grandma, and ate some ridiculously good food. (I'm finding that I sort of like seafood now.)  I would say that I'll post pictures, but I've already done that once and it's too late since my trip. So, I'm not posting pictures.  Sorry.

2. School is going well.  I have all A's in my classes so far.

So far.

I get my grade back for my Western Civ test tomorrow morning.  I hope I did okay.  I was talking to my teacher before class on Monday and he said he could tell I really like history so maybe that means I did well.  Apparently he can tell that from the way I take notes and say stuff in class.  Or something.  I dunno.  (Shrugs shoulders.)  Either way, it means a lot that he takes note of my effort.

Maybe that's stupid, but it does.  I just want to do well in school.

I have a Spanish test tomorrow afternoon and one next week. I have a math test and a government test next week, too.  Oh, and to the guy who sits behind me in government class every Tuesday evening: either open your mind, or shut your mouth.  Kthnx.

3. I'm going to bed now. After I finish studying, that is. I'm really looking forward to dance and bible study tomorrow evening.

Goodnight, love. Sweet dreams.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


So, my dance company is having a fundraiser tomorrow and I would love it very much if you took part.

You would be quite a fantastic person to do so.

Newk's* has graciously agreed to help us out a bit.  All YOU need to do is go to Newk's between 4-8pm tomorrow and eat your heart out.  The more you eat the better. 

10% of the proceeds will go toward our original story ballet debuting at the Martin Theatre in January!

Make sure you check out at the register by the grab-and-go counter. The one with the balloons.
It'll be hard to miss.

If you have any questions or want to support us some other way, visit our website or call Lauren Kolmetz, our company director. 850-252-0889

*Newk's is the restaurant on 23rd by Party case you were wondering.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Band room.

My brother & I have the strangest conversations sometimes:

Kyle walks into my room while I'm doing homework to bring me tea.  He sets it down on the bookshelf next to my bed, then gets distracted by the incense sticks on top of my bookshelf.  He picks one up, sniffs it and says, "huh, this smells like my band room."

I raise an eyebrow and give him a look. "Your band room? I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean. Either your band room smells really good, or my incense smells really bad."

He shrugs and lights it, then waits a second. "Nevermind," he decides, "it doesn't smell like my band room anymore."

"Well, now we know what your band room would smell like if we lit it on fire."


Thursday, September 15, 2011


A few weeks ago, I was Skyping with a friend of mine from HI and she asked me why I deleted my Facebook.

"The only reason I ever got on was because I take pictures for everyone and that's how I got the photos to them.  But it's a waste of time and there are other ways for people to get my pictures."

"But...but, now I can't stalk you and know what's going on in your life!"

I just stared at her for a few seconds until she realized what she said.

"Oh, right. Or I can just call you and actually talk to you."


However, I do realize that with the busyness of life, it's hard to just sit down for a good phone call.  Which is why I need to start blogging a bit more.  I never feel like there's anything to write, but even though I forget it sometimes, there are people who like to know what's going on in my life. Even with the stupid things, like the fact that I'm eating curry and watching Doctor Who while I write this.  It doesn't make sense, but some of you people are weird. And I really really appreciate you.

So, those of you who fall into the criteria stated above, I'll try to post more.  I can't promise I'll be interesting or anything..but I will post more. Because I've been told I don't write enough on it. Or something like that.

Anyway, since I last posted, which was like a week ago or something...I have reconciled an issue that's been eating at me for years. Because of that, just in one week, I have seen and experienced grace and redemption in ways I never imagined.  God is incredible and I cannot express how much I love Him. Or how much I appreciate the prayer from some of you.  I love you, as well.

On a lighter note, I've gotten really good grades on all my tests so far.  I have one more to study for.  It's on Monday.  But it's Western Civ and should be cake.  Chocolate cake.

Also, I started student teaching at my studio's a ton of fun.  It really is incredible how much more you learn something when you're teaching it to someone else.

Anyway, I think I'm going to go be a fatty and make myself a Dr. Pepper float.  Because root beer is the devil.  I should probably start packing, too.  I'm going to St. Augustine for the weekend.  My grandma is in town and she's always wanted to see St. Augustine.  I'll probably use that 5hr. drive to knock out a bunch of homework/lesson planning/studying for Monday's test.

Okay, f'real. I'm going now. Time for a Dr. Pepper float, some more Dr. Who, and an evening of packing.

I love you.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The weekend ahead.

Just when I thought my broken bones were healed, He breaks them again and sets them right.  I recognize that these bones would not have the strength that they will have if they were never re-broken. Breaking any bone is a painful ordeal, but knowledge that the outcome means truly healing far outweighs this pain of getting there.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Kylethegirl came back from Mississippi for Labor Day weekend.  We never got a chance to dive together before she headed off to college, so we took advantage of this weekend to go diving before it gets too cold.  Although it was raining like hell, we packed up at 10 this morning and headed to Vortex Springs.  We brought the boy Kyles with us, too.  They're always great fun.

By the time we got our gear and set up, the weather chilled out a bit.  I really hate rental gear, by the way.  Especially rental wetsuits.  It's not so much that they always fit funny with my oddly proportioned torso, but the idea of other people wearing it before me grosses me out.  They are sterilized after each use, but still.  Blech.

Regardless, it was a ton of fun.
Diving is always a ton of fun.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011

Ella Erdman.

Yesterday, I was cleaning out my garage.  After my grandfather passed away a few years ago, a lot of his stuff had to be moved to our place.  As I was mindlessly sifting through old filing cabinets, I came across old newspapers about JFK's assassination, old photos, etc.  

But then I found some letters. 

I looked at an envelope of one.  The stamp said 1898.  I just about peed my pants.  These were written just 33 years after the Civil War, I thought.  This is history in my hands.

Two of the them were addressed to "Miss Mabel Geiger," neither letters bearing return addresses.  I began to read them, hoping they were sad love letters or something.  (Don't hate.  I AM a girl, you know.)

However, they weren't.  The first was sent January 10, 1898.  It was written by a girl named Ella Erdman to her friend Mabel.  In the letter, she thanks Mabel for a Christmas gift and apologizes for not being able to give one back to her dear friend. Also apologizing for taking so long to send the letter, Ella explains that her father does not like her writing too much.

She expresses frustration towards having to rely on her family for everything and talks about how she wishes she could have gotten everyone gifts for Christmas.

It made me feel so bad when I could not give anything to anyone. I could not make anything much less go to purchase any.

In spite of Ella's apparently frustrating situation, she stays pretty positive throughout the rest of the letter.  After thanking her friend for the gift again, Ella tells Mabel to visit her some time and "to bring her happiness with her," and then ends the letter.

It was a sweet letter.  They seemed to be good friends and it made me happy.  However, since this wasn't a love letter, I couldn't figure out why it was so important that Mabel would keep it for so long.  It was primarily just a thank you note, after all.

Then I read the next letter.

It was dated May 2nd, 1898.  This time, though, it was not from Ella.  It was from her parents.  And this time, it was not such a detailed letter.  It was plain, simple, and heartbreaking.

Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of 
Ella Rebecca Erdman.

I don't know why, but it made me extremely sad.  Maybe it was because I could feel the friendship between the two girls in the first letter.  Then the second letter comes. I could just imagine Mabel's hands trembling as she opens that black-trimmed letter, knowing - but not wanting to believe - what was inside.

I dunno, it was just really sad to me.  But at the same time, it was extremely cool.  I had the chance to glimpse into the lives of two girls who lived 113 years ago.  

Yeah, you get to do that all the time when you read history..and that in itself is really cool.  But this is different.  It's personal. It's real. And it basically made my day.

Maybe I'm crazy, I just get really stoked about stuff like this.